Tuesday, 24 January 2012

First things first.

I guess I should introduce myself. Even though most of the people who'll read this probably know me already. Lets do this. 

Welcome to the blog! 

My name is Sophie, and I dabble. In fact, the only thing I have ever committed to is never committing to anything, ever. 

That doesn't mean I'm a quitter- by some miracle, I've managed to acquire two degrees. See? And I'm pretty committed to annoying my housemates by refusing to go to bed every single night, and eventually falling asleep in front of the TV. That probably won't change in the near future. (Sorry guys.)

Everything else, not so much. I do have a job I like, but I see it as temporary. Last year, I was vegan for 10 months. While I'm happy with my decision to return to joys of cheese and real mayonnaise… that was definitely dabbling. Last year I also decided to try my hand (or foot?) at a mini-triathlon, trained every day for two months, loved every minute of it, thought to myself, hey this could be a thing I do…. nope. Then there are various hobbies I've picked up and eventually dropped over the years. It may not always be a conscious decision… But lame-ass excuses don't change the fact that this is a habit I want to break.

So that's the back story. I have a tendency towards long-windedness. Lucky you. 

One thing I do enjoy on a regular basis is cooking. I love cooking for others. It makes me happy. I'm not that into cooking for myself (instant ramen and peanut butter and crisp sammiches pleasethanks), but luckily I live with two wonderful humans who are happy to let me subject them to whatever I decide to concoct. I most certainly do not have the makings of an amazing chef- I'm not really a perfectionist, I get nervous when people watch me in the kitchen, and my ability to consume cheap nasty-ass red wine with incredible ease seriously makes me question my palate. Also, money is currently an issue. While I can easily spend an hour in Waitrose perusing the shelves for fancy things, I can't really afford to buy most of them. Same goes for kitchen equipment. Improvisation is the name of the game.

So here's the deal. It's a food blog. Some of it will be based on existing recipes, some of it will be Sophie's Own. Not all of it will be great. I intend to post my screw-ups on here too. You know, to give you something to laugh about. 

My first actual food-based entry is already in the works. Be patient, children.