Hello! Still not hugely big on cooking right now, but this weekend I was having an all-encompassing craving for something peanut butter-and-chocolate-esque, and I thought that I should probably take that and run with it.
This is basically one big excuse to make something that looks and tastes vaguely like a peanut butter cup. When I was 10, I ate five of those things in one go (that's two and a half packs, kids). And then I got on my bike, rode home and had dinner. And them I probably ate the leftover pb cup for dessert, while watching Nickelodeon. Ahh, to be a bottomless pit again…… Anyway, my point is that I really really like peanut butter cups, and they were all I wanted to eat after getting home at 1am on Saturday morning.
At around 3pm, they became a reality. I don't think you guys fully comprehend that this is the most effort I have put into making something edible since LATE JUNE (that totally deserved caps lock). Still, I wanted something that didn't need baking, where measuring was optional, and where no separating of eggs, endless mixing and shaving of chocolate into tiny microscopic pieces was required. My bullshit tolerance for the summer has been saturated. I wasn't about to fanny around with 2-page recipes.
So without further ado, I give you the peanut butter cup recipe in a few easy steps.
First, stuff you will need. Roughly.
- 140 g peanut butter (Skippy isn't allowed. Use real peanut butter.)
- 50 g of some sort of granulated sweetener (the obvious answer here is sugar, but some people might prefer to use artificial granulated sweetener, or there's this cool stuff called maple sugar and it's apparently better for you but probably only available at Wholefoods where they'll charge you £20 and claim to your firstborn.)
- 110 g butter, or some sort of spread
- 8-10 digestive biscuits, smooshed into crumbs (I recommend the freezer-bag-and-blunt-object method)
- 150 g chocolate (I've only ever used dark chocolate, but since Reese's pb cups are traditionally milk chocolate coated, who the hell am I to argue if you want to do that?)
- 60 mL milk/soy milk
- a muffin tin
- muffin cups
Ignore the agave syrup. I decided granulated sweetener would be better since I didn't want to make it runny. But by all means, try it and tell me how it turns out. |
Step 1: Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat.
Step 2: Stir in the peanut butter, biscuit crumbs and sugar and mix well.
Step 3: Remove the mix from heat and evenly divide amongst the muffin cups.
Step 4: In a pan over medium heat, melt the chocolate, stirring in the milk bit by bit. The mixture shouldn't be too runny, so adding the liquid slowly should prevent that. And if you screw up, you can always add more chocolate to thicken it.
Step 5: Spoon the chocolate evenly over the peanut butter mixture.
Step 6: Stick your little babies in the fridge for at least an hour.
Step 7: While you wait, stick on the Forrest Gump soundtrack and have a little sing and dance-along. Entirely optional, but highly recommended.
Step 8: Insert into face.
*I feel I should mention that these have been given the thumbs up by two people who do not actually like peanut butter (HI MELIE AND TOM). For this reason alone you should go and make them. If people who hate peanut butter enjoy eating these, well then I must have created food that everyone loves and nobody can refuse. Right? You're welcome.
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